Your Resource for Georgia Animal Law
Professionals and the public can access current information related to animals which will enhance an effective community response to animal related issues in Georgia. This area provides a collection of legal cases and statutes, comprehensive content, resources, best practices, news, training and other information for legal, law enforcement, veterinary, animal sheltering fields and more. The mission of Animal Law Source is to change how we care for animals by uniting local communities through education.
Every day, Animal Law Source's (ALS) pioneering efforts to protect animals in our state and beyond is unmatched. Our GAME CHANGING organization's founder and former prosecutor, has been in the trenches for almost three decades.
We have come a long way in the last thirty years having penned eight new animal protection laws and consistently working on new ones*.
Our work involves progressive and protective laws and rules and educating thousands of people who are in charge of protecting animals. Invaluable resources and orginal "toolkits" on a multitude of subject matter are free on the Animal Law Source website which is the first and best “go to” resource across the state of Georgia. Nearing 30 years, we assist all who enforce animal cruelty laws and ordinances whenever an animal cruelty situation is discovered.
In addition to providing training for law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, animal control, veterinarians, shelter and rescue, animal behaviorist, other professionals and the public, which include urban and rural targeted training in all parts of our state, we bring awareness to school children and communities on various topics through our outreach programs.
Our free Community Animal Welfare and Pet Ownership Repsonsibiltiy Learning events bring information direct to communities who do not have access to life saving information, pet resources, and low cost or free spay neuter services.
Our annual Animal Protection And Wellness Expo, now in its 23rd year, unites all who work in the animal advocacy world, including all.professionals involved with animal abuse and neglect including law makers, to share ideas and create stronger alliances. The connection between animal related crimes and human crimes (the "link") is always highlighted in all of our programs and educational events
To learn more about our sister organization, CLICK HERE.
We need your help to continue providing up-to-date information, education and events.
Animal Law Source is a 501c3 organization and relies solely on sponsorships and donations to provide these invaluable services. Please support us today by clicking the button below.
*our organization does not lobby