Pet Tethering
Do you know that chained dogs are 2.8 times more likely to bite than unchained dogs according to the Centers for Disease Control? Chained dogs are more likely to escape, run at large, and pose a threat to themselves and the public.

Further, the USDA considers tethering as a means of confinement to be inhumane. Chains catch on obstacles, which can be dangerous, and can cause dogs to be unable to reach their food, water, or shelter.
The continuous chaining or tethering of a dog is a key contributor to poor socialization, as dogs subjected to excessive chaining tend to bark excessively and often suffer great psychological damage, which can make them anxious and aggressive.
Some Georgia counties and cities have adopted ordinances that allow chaining only when the keeper remains in the physical presence of the animal. Restricting tethering of dogs and upgrading care standards will give animal control and law enforcement officers an important opportunity to educate dog owners on proper care and provide them with more certain, consistent, and enforceable minimum care standards.
A restriction on chaining or tethering will reduce the high volume of calls to animal control and law enforcement regarding the concerns of chained dogs, in addition to complaints from neighbors regarding constant barking, running at large, and other undesirable behaviors of tethered dogs.
Chained dogs are far more likely to be aggressive so restrictions on tethering will also reduce the threat to public safety.

*our organization does not lobby